OVAL JAPAN Final Presentation の様子
さて、先日ブログでご紹介した大学生によるビジネスコンテストOVAL JAPAN。時を同じくして、こちらも最終審査が先週末に実施されました。弊社からは、グローバル部のフランクがOVAL JAPANの審査員をつとめました。
This past Sunday was the final day of the Oval Japan International Business Contest. This student run organization invites students from Korea, China, and Japan to the host country for a weeklong competition in which groups of three students, one from each member country, must work together to produce a business plan in English and then present said plan to a panel of judges. Export Japan was asked to provide someone to judge the contest and I was tapped to be our representative.
先週日曜にOval Japan International Business Contest (以下IBC)の最終審査会が実施されました。OVAL JAPAN IBCは学生によって運営されており、韓国、中国、そして日本の学生が各国から一人ずつ合計3人で1グループを形成し、協力しながら英語でビジネスプランを作り上げます。そして、審査委員の前でプレゼンテーションを行ないます。弊社は運営事務局より審査を依頼され、私がその役割を担うことになりました。
I was one of the ten judges who pronounced judgment upon the young students ideas. I was very impressed with the students skill and the challenges they over came to present us with their completed plans. While some of the finer details still needed work, it was obvious that each group had put a lot of effort into their proposal and their presentation.
After each 15 minute presentation the judges asked the students questions about their plan. Despite the tough questioning each team was able to answer most of the panel’s questions questions admirably. The winners of the competition, group 17, did a particularly good job fielding questions about the supply chain and potential issues with customer acquisition. I was very impressed, especially because when I was at university I wouldn’t have had the slightest inkling on how to do what they had done.
I was very pleased to participate in their competition and I hope that Export Japan will be asked to come again in three years when the contest is again held in Japan.