EXJカルチャーHello, my name is Jose (ホセ)! I am from the Systems Team. After reading this blog I hope that you will be able to know more about me and can get a better image of who the new employee is! Speaking from experience I also love to learn about people and their own individual story. So please enjoy ~
■ Hometown and Educational Background(出身地と経歴)
Before I get to where I was raised, I want to mention that I was actually born in Guatemala (a Spanish speaking country below Mexico). My family immigrated to the USA due to my parents work when I was 3 years old. Even though I was only raised in Guatemala for 3 years of my life, it still holds a very special place in my heart as my birthplace.
I was raised in a small city called Easton in the state of Pennsylvania. It is a typical American city and I lived in the suburbs with my mom, dad, and older brother. If I am being honest there is not a lot of really popular things to see in my city but its a cute little place where there are many restaurants, bars, nature and some events going around in the downtown city occasionally.
It is also in a very convenient location being within 1 hour and 30 minute drive to New York City or Philadelphia, which are both very popular cities with a lot of things to do. Actually whenever I am out of the country (or even in the USA) and people ask me where I am from I usually just say Philadelphia since most people would know Philadelphia rather than Easton.

参照元: https://www.easton-pa.com/community-economic-development
I did the usual American education system where I started out in Kindergarten and graduated High School all in Easton, Pennsylvania. I think my high school looking back now was the typical high school you might see in media, or movies! So whatever your image might be of an American high school, I bet you mine was just like that.
After graduating high school I moved onto University and even in University I remained in Pennsylvania. I went to a small private university about 30 minutes driving from Easton called, Moravian University. It is actually the 6th oldest college in the USA.
While there I actually started out my first year of University studying Psychology and Medicine but then after my first year I decided I did not want to be a doctor anymore and switched to Computer Science! Growing up as a kid I always had an interest for technology and building new things.
I was always the person in the house who would fix any technical issues that may occur because my parents were really bad with technology.
■ Embarking on My Japanese Journey: Unveiling the Why and How Behind My Adventure(日本へ行こうと決めた理由と背景)
Growing up I used to watch cartoons with my brother every Saturday on TV. Without my knowledge at the time, what I thought was just ordinary American cartoons were actually something called ‘Anime’ (which I did not come to realize until during University).
We would watch things like Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and One Piece. Again as a child growing up watching my morning cartoons I had no idea it was anime, but for some reason the shows caught my attention!
It was not until University where it was mandatory for us to choose a language to learn that I decided to pick Japanese. My school did not have many options in terms of languages you can choose from, I already spoke Spanish and the other European languages did not really interest me, so I chose Japanese!
As I continued studying Japanese at university I learned more about Japanese Media and came to realize the shows I watched as a child were not in fact American Cartoons but they were from Japan!
I then started to get more interested in Japanese Media (anime, manga, etc.). After doing my required year of Japanese classes for my university I then decided I needed to go to Japan somehow and realized that I could do an exchange program in Japan. So Fall 2017 I did an exchange to an American University located in Japan called Temple University!
I spent 6 months studying in Tokyo…well I say studying but I was not really ‘studying’ I was more enjoying my time in Japan, traveling and learning more about the culture. I only had less than 6 months in Japan so I wanted to make the most of it. I still passed my classes but I will say I was not focused on them.

参照元: https://comicbook.com/anime/news/is-this-what-a-dragon-ball-naruto-and-one-piece-crossover-would/
After my semester in Tokyo I had to return home to finish one last semester to graduate University but I could not stop thinking about my experience in Japan and the desire to go back got strong and stronger each day. I was trying to figure out a way to come to Japan, I actually applied for the JET Program, and I passed the first step but then got rejected after the interview.
I then decided to focus on my career first and then see if after gaining some experience there might be some type of opportunity for me in Japan. So I started working as a Software Engineer in the USA, hoping to gain some skills I could bring to Japan. But as we all know COVID happened and my plans for going to Japan kept getting pushed back. But finally in 2023 I am back.
I’m currently a Japanese Language Student here in Tokyo trying to invest in improving my Japanese Language ability so that I may be a better candidate and have the ability to stay in Japan longer.
■ Interests and Hobbies(趣味)
I always tell myself there is never enough time in the world to do everything you want to do. I have so many interests (reading, learning an instrument, drawing, traveling, etc.) but I never have enough time so I try to choose the interests that would benefit me and since I travel a lot I choose one’s that you could do anywhere without needing much equipment. So I can without a doubt say my main Hobby at this time is Hiking, not only do I enjoy nature and exploring but I also enjoy the health benefits that come with it.
Especially being a developer who looks at a computer all day for work, Hiking just refreshes my mind and soul and gets me away from anything technology related since usually up in the Mountains you do not even get any cellphone reception.
I will say that another interest that has caught my attention recently is YouTube. Living in another country and experiencing everything that comes with being a foreigner in another country, I am a little interested in making videos about it and sharing my life here abroad.
The thing that is stopping me is that I’m shy when it comes to talking to a camera and not sure I have enough time, but If I do end up making a YouTube Channel, I’ll let you all know and I hope you can support me !

■ A Journey of Reflection: Unveiling My Thoughts on the Past Weeks at EXJ(EXJでの1週間を振り返って)
These past few weeks at EXJ, went by so fast for me. Not sure if it was also due to me being a part-time worker and my hours being shorter than everyones, but for me, whenever something goes by fast it means that I’m really enjoying the time. Its fair to say that this month at EXJ I have really enjoyed myself and am really honored to have the opportunity to work with everyone here.
Everyone I have had the opportunity to interact with has been so kind. This is the first Japanese company I have ever worked for and I was a little worried at first, but I think EXJ is not like most Japanese Companies, it has a very international feel to it.
Even though my Japanese is not so good yet, everyone tries their best to communicate with me and I appreciate everyones patience and openness to work with me, even with a little language barrier involved. It goes to show that communication can be made in many ways not just vocally.
Being in the Systems Team Department, I am still in a learning phase trying to make sure I know the technologies that are being used but I hope in the coming weeks I can start contributing more to the company and working on more client projects!